Monday, April 12, 2010

Senior Sem. paper

I want to write more, but my mind is blank. So here is a few paragraphs I wrote whilst in Philosophy class.

When formulating this paper, I fully intended to ask the question, "Was it worth it?" about my time here at Calvin. In essence, did I make the correct choice to spend 4 years and somewhere in the range of 100,000$ attending Calvin. The problem is that question could never be answered satisfactorily. There is no way I could answer with any amount of certainty or conviction. The answer, "No, I should have done X with my life instead of Calvin" is insufficient because it exists wholly in the realm of the hypothetical and is unknowable. Furthermore, that sort of answer is too easy to give, a cop out. It is all too easy to say in retrospect, "Yes, I should have done something else besides Calvin", but the fact of the matter is, I stayed at Calvin for 4 years. That was the choice I made, and no amount of whining about whether or not it was worth it can change the past.
Therefore, instead of asking "Was it worth it?" I think the better question to ask is, "What was worthwhile about this choice?" This question is superior for a number of reasons. First, it focuses on the positive aspect of my college career. It is true that I have had many negative experiences while at Calvin, a few of which I have already voiced in this paper. However, I have had a lot of great experiences here at Calvin, and writing those down, finding out what was truly worthwhile and meaningful to me while at Calvin is healthier than dwelling on the negative. (possible Biblical reference?). Secondly, by asking "What was worthwhile?" about Calvin gives me something concrete to hold on to, give me specific events that helped shaped my life and the path I am taking right now.

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