Tuesday, April 13, 2010


I fucking love Riesling wine.

What was worthwhile about Calvin to me? 3 authors that have given me something that I discovered while in college
Tolstoy - world view, Respice Finem, 1st and last semester. Don't live a terrifying life like Ivan Ilych
Augustine - his constant question, keeps him on track, can I trust my memory?
Tennyson - personal, helped me through a difficult time

(this may not make sense to you, but I'm working on it)

Looking through pictures of last Saturday. Thank god for timestamps. My last real memory is at 11:50pm, the last photo from that night is at 1:33am, of me being put to bed. An hour and 40 minutes of no memory. Damn you, cheap red wine. I always regret it. I always love it.

My new favorite song
Devin Townsend - "Ih-Ah!"
It's the kind of song that demands you to feel emotion. I want to cry, but I just feel such beauty, such hope.

This borrowed time is over now
I think I may close my Senior Sem. essay with this quote. Or maybe start it with this quote? Because, these last four years have been amazing. I've had some shitty experiences with Calvin, but far outweighing that are all the good times I've had.
And the band that I've really adopted during this time is Rosetta. The concept behind their debut album "The Galilean Satellites" is about a man(astronaut) who leaves his home and leaves for a place of solitude(the moon of Europa). Once he arrives, however, he realizes that everything meaningful to him was left behind(on Earth). By the time he realizes this, it is too late, and he can't escape(an orbit gone wrong).

I've thought so often about leaving Calvin over the years. However, in hindsight, I know that if I had...I would have left behind everyone I care about.
Imagine if I had left after freshman year for England like I had thought about. I never would have...
- gone to Hungary
- lived with my current housemates (my best friends)
- been around to help my sister with her projects
- be there to read Tennyson + Psalms to my friend when she had cancer and needed someone there on a Sunday to have devotions/church with (that someone being me, who was hungover as all hell but still willing to get up at 6am because I knew that going to the hospital is something that really mattered)
- gone biking in Croatia (that was the perfect moment for me. In that moment, I was/saw the infinite)
- it goes on...
- it goes on...

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