Wednesday, April 21, 2010


sometimes, for no reason, I just am stricken with a melancholy.
(this post seems so familiar, as though I've written it before)
I had a great day, life is good, and yet...for the past hour, I've just been getting a sinking feeling in my chest. I feel like I need to tell every single person I know that I love them, and just how much they mean to me.
Because, I can be bad at letting people know how much I care about them.
And even people I don't know all that well...they still make a big impact on me, and my life would be lessened without interacting with them.
I guess it's just one of those nights where you want to curl up into bed and be enveloped by its warmth. To sink into peaceful sleep. To wrap your arms around someone, to have them wrap their arms around you. To not speak a single word to them, nor they to you. Just to feel them hold you a bit tighter as they kiss you on the forehead. The kind of embrace and kiss that dispels every doubt and worry.

We are living in misery
But we have to hold on...

1 comment:

leahnieboer said...

dear pm,
today was mostly melancholy and full of doubt/questions/helplessness for me too. no particular reason except humanness, i think. i am full of uncertainties. yet i am still certain? or hopeful? that there are good things to come and to live through, because we've both made the decision to care, and to love, and to work towards those two things instead of money or degrees or a sense of accomplishment or whatever.

thanks for your thoughts and your friendship. you mean a whole lot to me, paul menn.