Friday, May 7, 2010


It's kind of funny (in a mostly sad sort of way) that virtually everybody has the same fears about life, yet we (I) still act shock when we find that out.
What I mean is this - I got a message from a someone the other day and this person said that they had a mini-freak out/break down about life in general the night before, but all they needed was a night of good sleep and a productive day.

My first thought was, "Wow, (name) had a freakout/breakdown about life? I never would have expected that. They always seem so in command, so confident."

But of course they freak out about life...everybody does. Its just human. And I'm sure there would be people who would be shocked to find out that I freakout/breakdown when thinking about the future all the time.

I keep asking myself if they realize
That their fears are really just the same as mine
Do they know all their insecurities
Are the same ones that are inside of me
As people come and go
Do they know they’re really not alone?

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