Saturday, May 8, 2010

I'm inside, wrapped in a blanket...the window is open, the wind is blowing, howling through the trees, and making me colder than I should(could) be. I'm listening to AFI and drink gin-absinthes on the rocks.
It takes me back to Florida. It was late night, and I was out on my (my own room had this) balcony/sundeck. I had opened all the blinds/storm shutters and was sitting in the swivel chair. Not much later, I was just laying on the shag carpet. I had brought out a pillow and a blanket, in order to spend the night there. (I get in moods where I love to sleep on floors).
I was listening to music (AFI) on my computer and texting someone (well, two someone's if you have to be exact).
And this moment brings me back to that moment. I'm wrapped in a blanket, window open, wrapped in a blanket, colder than I should be, listening to AFI.
I could be texting...but I won't. There is no need.

It's strange how the minorest of things will remind you of something monumental.

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