Wednesday, February 17, 2010

High School dreaming

I just woke up from a dream about high school, after a rather restless night of sleep. The narrative is a bit disjointed, but I remember finding a bunch of old HS notebooks in my room after talking about how I had carried on a make-out relationship with the totally hot Spanish teacher with a buddy. He said that she still asks him about me whenever they see each other. Anyway, I was flipping through all my notebooks, and they were all filled with words that were barely legible, and went in all directions.
For some reason I went back to my high school, saw the Spanish teacher (no makeouts ensued), and then I was all of the sudden stuck in some 4 hour long night class with a bunch of other people. And I was freaking out because I had just graduated college and didn't want to go back to HS. Finally, I got out of the class, and was all pumped to go home, but I had to take the train.
I was with some friends and it looked like there was no line to get to the train, so we walked through the row of metal fences and got to the front, but then the woman told us that we had to use the other side. We started running for the other side, but a mob of people arrived and took up all the space on the train.
We were going to have to wait another 45 minutes for another train, and then it would be a 45 minute ride back to town. And it was probably 10:30 right now, and we had to go to another one of these HS classes in the morning.
I was freaking out, but the train finally came. Either that or my sister drove us. Potentially both things happened. While on the train, I got a text from my friend Catherine saying that she (who was now 21) was at a bar called Michigan Chevs, and I was so sad I couldn't go.
And then our train broke down, and after a period of waiting around for a replacement train, I decided that I would just run, even though we had broken down in Fon Du Lac (which is a 40 minute drive to my hometown). I take off running just as they send a replacement bus, and for a second I thought about hopping on the bus, but I realized traffic was terrible so I would rather keep moving and race the bus.
I was doing pretty well, but I kept getting blocked by cars and other buses. But I did see that Less Than Jake was playing in Fondy at some point. And just as I thought I had made it to the highway...I found myself back at the waiting area. I let out a frustrated cry...and then my alarm went off.

Also, at some point, some crusty old man told me to go drink a whiskey sour.

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