Thursday, September 10, 2009

Welcome to the End

I've officially sampled all my classes for this semester. The start of my last year. Mouthbreathers in every class. Religion will be the highlight, followed closely by English. Looking forward to Ballroom Danceclub. Hopefully, I'll get into Yoga. If not, I'll still run and try to pump iron with my Adonis of a roommate. I'm determined not to ever get fat. Or overweight. Or pudgy. Fuuuuuuu- all this weight I've gained. Time to rock the rabbit food. Need to get this mullet cut. I look like a pedophile. Not the best way to attract a woman. Damn my fear of commitment. I always think about emailing Her, but I know that would be a sign of weakness. It would be me breaking. I won't let that happen. I will not crawl back. No matter how damaged it made me. Should've been in bed hours ago. Insomnia. Class at 12.30pm tomorrow. Bottle of wine hasn't helped sleep status. Too much coffee today?

I want you to go away from me
I want you so much to stay with me

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