Saturday, September 26, 2009

Started Nothing

So, the last few posts have been me being super whiny and self pitying, and I apologize for that. I have a bad habit of thinking too much about myself and getting too hung up on little things.

So, in honor of that, I thought I share a relationship that me and a great friend of mine have. We are essentially the same person. We think a lot the same, feel the same ways about things, etc... I mean, of course there are differences, but the point remains the same - we are essentially the same person.
Well, it ends up that we have a mutual friend who we are both talking to at this time....and it turns out that we both basically say the same thing, "Well, it seems like X is having a hard time with life right now. I'm worried about him."
It made me laugh when our mutual friend told me this. One of my main faults is that I can often see the struggles of others, but not my own. Well, my good friend sees my struggles and when I am hurting. When I am down, he is up and there for me. When I'm sad, he's happy and trying to help me up. And vice versa.

Honestly, a lot of the time, I freak out about my life and have a hard time coping with shit. But whenever I really stop and think about my friends, or even just my acquaintances, I can't complain or even feel bad because....I know a lot of cool motherfuckers. Yes, we all have problems, and we all know each other's problems, but we all still care and try our hardest to help a brother/sister out.

I've said it before, and I'll say it again - fuck yeah my friends. Some of you have lived with me and dealt with my shit. Some of you went to Hungs08 with me and dealt with my shit. Some of you have known me since Highschool and still deal with my shit. And I can never thank you enough.

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