Saturday, September 12, 2009

Mind vs. Heart (The Cage Match)

I won't run now,
I won't run I'll hold it down
Even though it is a struggle
Just to stand my ground
I wouldn't have it any other way.
My heart is saying go
but my mind is saying wait, wait, wait

"Nagoya" - Houston Calls

I often wonder which one should reign supreme - heart or mind. When there is an either/or decision to be made...which one to follow. Impulse or rationality? I've been in plenty of situations where I follow my cold logic rather than burning impulse. And sometimes I think I've made the right decision, but other times, I kick myself and still wonder what my life would have been like if I had just followed my desire.
And I often feel that my rationality holds me back from life. Maybe I should act on impulse a little more often in the future. Find that healthy medium. Between reckless abandon and common sense.

Damn the state of our hearts and our minds
As our resolve slowly unwinds.
My eyes wide open, its poetry in motion
How our minds could let us pretend my heart's not in it.

"Behind the Gun" - Houston Calls.

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