Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Out of a Center Which is Neither Dead Nor Alive

I'm trying to become less a troglodyte. I actually went out to the store and bought real food the other day!! I also went on an hour long bike ride. I would have gone on longer, but there was so much shit (white cottony stuff floating through the air) that my eyes were burning and I was having a hard time breathing, so that sucked. Still, it was good to get out. I've got to start making a bike ride part of my daily routine.
Speaking of which, I really need to get a good daily routine going otherwise I'm going to end up sitting in my room all day after class watching movies and playing video games. Which is a lame way to spend my life.

I think that the next tattoo I get (other than the Brother tat I'm getting with BrotherJohn) will be "Hope, progress, and growth spring from the crypt of realized fallacies." I really like that phrase (it comes from the Minsk song "Bloodletting and Forgetting"), and one thing I've always tried to do with my life is know my faults. I suppose I need to work harder on changing and controlling my faults/vices, but in the words of GI Joe - Knowing is half the battle.

Hope, progress, and growth spring from the crypt of realized fallacies.
Living through death.
Learning to love.
Embracing discontent.
Face down.
Bloodletting and forgetting.
Exorcising demons.
Exercising futility.

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