Sunday, June 28, 2009

Breakfast of Champions!

In my effort to live as a functional human and not a degenerate troglodyte, I've decided that eating breakfast should be a part of my daily routine. And today's breakfast kicked ass.

I started by whipping up three delicious strips of bacon. These suckers were big also. I cooked them to that perfect medium - not too crispy, not underdone. Then, I set those aside and proceeded to cook 4 eggs in bacon grease coated skillet. Best decision of my life because it really zazzed up the taste, adding a hint of bacon-y goodness. Threw a bunch of cheese, salt, and pepper on those guys and sat down to enjoy my feast. 4 eggs, 3 strips of bacon, 2 glasses of Orange Juice...the only thing I forgot was to add a little toast, but man, I'm stuffed. Wish I had taken a picture of it all.

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