Sunday, July 13, 2008


I find it infinitely hilarious that parents (primarily Christian) don't want their kids roleplaying/playing D&D. The say that it is the Devil's game and such, but if they ever watched a roleplaying session, they would see just how hilarious that notion is.
I played D&D for the first time this past Spring, and this is essentially how it went. All 5 of us sat around the dinner table, joked around a lot, drank a few beers, went off on crazy tangents, and occasionally tried to focus on the story. There was little to no Devil worship involved. It was more just 5 guys hanging out, except instead of playing videos games, we roleplayed.
Furthermore, I don't see any real difference between roleplaying and when children play games with one another. Those children often invent situations/scenarios and perhaps even assume a different persona. Yet, parents totally encourage that kind of behavior as it stimulates creativity and it is better than sitting in front of the TV all day. Roleplaying is a group activity where each individual assumes a different persona and that requires a certain degree of creativity and inspiration.
Honestly, Christians usually freak out over nothing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Beer=Satan. Duh!