Tuesday, July 22, 2008


I am such a woman. I think shopping is one of my favorite activities. Which is really kind of bad at this point in my life because I am a.) a college student who really isn't that well off in terms of money and b.) trying to save money for my trip to Hungary.
Neither of these facts deterred me from ordering a bitchin' argyle sweater from Express today. Or for making plans on going to the mall tomorrow to hopefully buy some skinny jeans. More than skinny jeans, I totally want cigarette jeans. Those are like the Sid Vicious punk-rocker jeans that are suuuuuper tight and totally bad ass. I need multiple pairs right now. Or just one. I feel that with one pair, I can somehow squeeze myself into them and then never take them off. I will shower with them on, and they will eventually just become part of my body.
So, I totally need some hot new jeans, some nice shirts, and some new shoes would be fabulous.

Let the college-era debt begin!!

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