Friday, November 5, 2010

Being in love is pretty much the greatest thing ever. But there are some downsides...

1.) You always want to be that dickbag updating his Facebook status with "OMG, I lOvE my giRLfrIeNd sOOooo MuCh.
2.) All you ever want to talk to your friends about is how awesome your girlfriend is
3.) The only music you feel you should listen to is positive/upbeat music about it.
4.) You feel bad when you realize 75% of your music is about death/sadness/andor Breakups
5.)If you don't see your GF for more than a day, you revert to the troll you once were
6.)If you don't see your GF for more than a day, your texts get progressively more and more monkey like, going from relatively coherent to "I waneed you riht now!"

Still, this poor sap is in love, so here are some lyrics...thanks to Khoma - "Like Coming Home"

Breathing of you is keeping me calm,
Your eyes so smoothing.
This ravaged world can't keep us apart...

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