Thursday, October 28, 2010

Since I am 98% positive that you don't read this (aka - in case of death, break the glass)

I am far too much like my favourite poet - John Donne. He obsessed over Death. He had his funeral portrait taken 3 (I believe) years before his death in 1631. But much as he thought about, wrote about, obsessed about death...he did not fear it - as found in his "Holy Sonnet X" - the famous "Death, be not proud..." sonnet.
But, still, I worry about death, a lot. I've known several friend/acquaintances/etc... who have been killed expectantly. A drunken driver, cancer, head trauma...

...this post is just in case something happens.

You chose

Over the Rhine - "I Want You to Be My Love"
I want you to be my love
'Neath the moon and the stars above

I chose
Anathema - "Dreaming Light"

Suddenly, I don't have to be afraid
Suddenly, it all falls into place

And you shine inside
And love stills my mind like the sunrise
Dreaming light of the sunrise
Dreaming light..

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