Tuesday, October 26, 2010

(i don't want to go out, I want to stay in)

I've been in a real slump as of recently.
But I realized something...it is up to me to get out of this depressive slump of mine. It is imperative that I do. Otherwise I'm going to miss out on a lot in life.

I've decided to go to Law school...and that is going to be a lot of work. I mean, even the application process is daunting. But no one is going to apply for me, so I need to man up and get to work, regardless of how listless and lethargic I feel. It kind of sucks being an adult sometimes...let's be honest.

And one thing that does put me in a good mood is The Ting Tings' new song "Hands"

So much electro/synth/dance goodness.

Also, next time I live in a house, I am going to live in a house not based solely on whether or not the rent is cheap, but on whether or not I can see myself thriving artistically in that house. I put a lot of value in my surroundings, and the current house I am living in just has no soul. I feel uninspired. I hate the aesthetics of my room, of the whole house.
Of course, I can't blame my entire artistic slump on my environment. Part of art is just showing up, and I haven't been doing that.

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