Thursday, October 15, 2009

No, the irony is not lost on me

I went out for a beer and some food tonight with my housemate, and we got to chatting as we do. And he brought up just how people are almost afraid of the outdoors nowadays. We surround ourselves with so much technology and modern comforts, we've forgotten what it is like to be outside. He told me about how when he goes home, all his friends want to do is just watch a movie or play video games. Now, both those activities are sweet, but what ever happened to going to the beach? or the classic Sunday afternoon drive? or hiking through the woods?

I'm not saying I am any better, but whenever I do spend time in Nature, there is a certain contentment I feel that I can't get anywhere else.

I know I've mentioned this several times before, but one of the things that really stands out about my semester in Hungary is the trip we took to Croatia. We spent the day digging holes, planting trees, and then I hoped on a shitty little bike and went riding with three friends. For that hour, we were free from the modern world. There were no power lines. We saw 2 cars. No cellphones. Nothing but the open road, surrounded by flowing fields. The setting sun.

And in that moment, we were infinite.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Great post. I love nature.