Monday, October 12, 2009


Life is defined by change. Dynamics, situations, and relationships are fluid and ever shifting and rearranging. For a guy like me who likes things stable and consistent, change can be hard. But I was thinking today about how positive change can be. If life was static, stable, and secure like I sometimes wish...I would have missed out on some of the greatest times of my life. Would I be content in some stable/unchanging life? Maybe. Would I have lived a full life? Absolutely not.

I believe in the life that we seek.
It can far outweigh the risks we take.

But much as things will always change, it is important to hold onto some things. To stay grounded in what really matters and not just let life's unrelenting pace carry you adrift. For me, I hold on to certain moments in my life that truly captured something important and defining.

Walking alone in the rain at Birkenau.
Staying with BabyMamu until the very last possible second.
The smile and laughter of all the Roma children.
Sitting on Gellert Hill and just watching the clouds drift across the sky.


leahnieboer said...

so i'll be seeing you back in eastern europe someday (soon) then, paulnakhiv. hold on to those important things.

Darshan Chande said...

Yeah, as it is said, change is the only constant thing in life. Personally, I don't even believe in holding on to something or someone. Because everything's going to change sooner or later. If you keep holding on to something then you risk getting hurt when it has to pass.