Saturday, July 11, 2009

Jaegermeister Tour review

Last night, I got out of work and hustled on down to the Intersection for a little concert fun!

I arrived a bit after 8, and the opener, Dommin, was already midway through their set. They played what I would describe as "Dark Romantic" (because "Love Metal" just sounds ridiculously stupid) along the lines of HIM and various bands of that ilk. Overall, they weren't too bad, and the crowd was obviously into them.

They were followed by Seventh Void, the Sabbath-inspired doom band fronted by Kenny Hickey (of Type O Negative). These guys were half the reason I came out to the show, so it was a bit of a bummer when the crowd thinned out during their set. Still, they put on a hell of a show. Also, Kenny had perhaps the best quote of the night when he said in his thick Brooklyn accent, "This next song is so heavy, you're going to shit your pants and forget your name for an hour."

After their 25 minute set ended, Kill Hannah took to the stage, the main reason I came out to the show. Now, I've seen Kill Hannah something like 5 times before, and this was probably the worst show I've seen them put on. It wasn't bad, but comparatively, it was lacking. Technical issues hampered guitarist Dan Wiese and bassist Greg Corner (neither of whom showed much enthusiasm on stage). However, singer Matt Devine gave one of his better performances - his vocals were solid and he took a fair amount of time to interact with the crowd. My favorite line of his from the night was, "Now, this is about show 4 on the Lacuna Coil tour....and I don't want to talk shit about anybody in Iowa or Oklahoma....but it is so fucking good to see civilized people with fashion sense. And teeth." Also, it was good to hear some of the new material that will be on the forthcoming album. "New York City Speed", "Acid Rain" (which they played last summer), and another song whose title I missed. All of them sound massive.

I only stuck around for a few songs of Lacuna Coil's, since I'm not a huge fan and had to work super early the next day. All I really remember is their male singer looking very Italian, sporting Musketeer-esque facial hair, and being waaaaaay excited/animated.

Overall, the concert was pretty mediocre. The crowd was super tame, and it seemed like the majority of the teenyboppers who were obviously there to see Kill Hannah only knew the newer material.

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