Saturday, March 28, 2009

Kill Hannah and dreams

How is my love for Kill Hannah so great? I mean, this band is fantastic! I srsly can't get enough of them, ever. I've seen them...5 times I believe, starting my senior year, so that is pretty good. 5 times in 3.5 years, give or take.
Maybe it is because I have a man crush on 3 of the members. Maybe it is because I really enjoy their sense of fashion. Maybe it is because a lot of their lyrics resonate with me. Whatever the reason, I fuuuucking love Kill Hannah.

If you dream like i dream right now
don't wake up, no don't wake up again
it gets more surreal

Also...I had a super weird dream last night. Maybe it is because I've been alone for a week, but daaamn, my dreams have been getting weirder and weirder.
I'm not entirely sure of the order but here are some things that happened...
I was elected student president of the school, but I had no real power unless I could convince the student council to side with me, and even then we could be overruled by the principle. Anyway, it ends up that Valley Christian was a segregated school....between humans and apes (from planet of the apes), and a steroid abusing gym teacher shot one dead. Well, that threw the school in an uproar because none of the students wanted it segregated, and we all hated this prick. So I used my power to stage a rally/rebellion to try to force Principle Benson to fire this guy and give equal rights to the apes.
I was walking to Florida to see someone, and I got picked up by a guy who looked a lot like Corey Feldman. We drove for a while until he dropped me off on a long bridge in the middle of a tropical storm. So, I had to cross over, on foot, across slick, metal walkways and girders that were several hundred feet above a turbulent water. I have a mild fear of heights, but I especially hate heights that have no guard railings or aren't sealed. So, I was freaking out.
Later, I went to his house and hungout with him and a McCauly Culkin lookalike, and met their family. It is McCauly's house, but I really didn't like him. I also used his waffle iron for Satanic purposes.
Then, there was a scene involving WWI planes fighting an aircraft carrier/battleship. Then, those same planes were depth-charging nuclear submarines. Then, there was a massive, inflatable, sea-faring sandwich shop.
I walked to a party on Calvin's campus, and I met Chad who had grown a massive beard. Then, there was a dance party hosted by Jess Baehman, who had supplied alcohol to Justine and got her drunk. Then, there were 5 people camped out/hiding in a room waiting for another person to come in and have sex with some really hot chick. I was half under the bed and under a blanket, and when they came in, all I could see was their feet. But then they never had sex, so that was lame.

1 comment:

Alshain said...

I have to say, I've stumbled onto this quite by accident. Google is a funny thing, after all... You use the name of my favorite star, and by this, I am intrigued.