Thursday, March 26, 2009

Dreams from a cryotank

After loading up on too much nyQuill and Tylenol PM, I settled down into a night of long dreams.

I started out in the Netherlands on a study abroad. It was all the same people from Hungs08, and we spent a lot of our time in a massive warehouse/thrift store, perusing the items. We then went down to a waterfront pub where I ended up getting smashed and meeting Derrik Bentley, the greatest guy of all time. He was of Indian descent, mid-20s, and we hit it off. Then, it snowed, so we all went skating on that canals. However, earlier in my dream I had envisioned myself falling through the ice, so I was a bit worried - but it ended up being a lot of fun. The next day, however, I was walking on the ice when it began to crack underneath me. I made a jump for land as the ice gave way underneath me, but I came up short. I was floundering in the water, unable to scream for help, realizing that I was about to die when I saw a tall Dutchman on the shore. I shouted out in English and German, and he came over, totally nonplussed by my situation, helped me out, threw me on his back, and carried me to the hospital where I spent the next two days recovering.
I then ended up in Prague with my Hungs08 crew for Interim. Not much happened, until the last day when I rescued two guys who fell into an icy canal and walked them to a hospital. Then, I hooked up with Kevin, and 3-4 other guys who I knew...but I'm not sure I knew them in real life. We spent the night walking around a seedier part of town, and eventually ended up in a Hot Topic-y place where some girlband was playing some metal show. JLS showed up and talked to me, and wanted to see me over spring break, and all I could think about was how weird it was that she wasn't pissed at me and that we carried on a normal conversation. I eventually left, feeling totally heartbroken and confused, but I hooked up with some Hungs08 people and walked along the riverfront taking pictures.
We ended up in front of a massive cathedral which had a statue garden in front of it, only some of the statues were living. I walked in, not knowing, and ended up getting mauled by a bear and 2-headed tiger before I escaped. At this point, all my Hungs08 friends were now my family/nobility, and they were all heading for our boat to leave the city, but I was still recovering from the mauling. Suddenly, across the river, I saw our arch-rival noble family coming towards us, including their eldest son who was the greatest swordsman of all time. I tried to make a run for my family, but I knew I was going to have to fight.
I drew ny sword and prepared for battle. He smashed through the statue garden, leaped high into the air, and came down on me with incredible force. We battled for a few seconds, and although he had the upperhand, I still managed to land a few solid blows on him. I was overmatched, however, and realized that I desperately needed to escape before he killed me. I realized that I had the ability to summon angels, so I summoned three of them. Two surrounded him and fought him as the other flew me towards my family...

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