Tuesday, December 2, 2008

New music coming out!

Hells yes...hells fucking yes!!
I've been waiting for the new Zeromancer album to be released for several years now, and finally, it is going to be released. From the songs I've heard samples of already, this is going to be even better than "ZZYZX" (a phenomenal album). Februrary 13th, I await you eagerly!

Apoptygma Berzerk is going to be releasing their new album "Rocket Science" on January 23...and from what I've heard so far...I need a bit more convincing. The song titles aren't doing it for me, the fact that Benji Madden (of Good Charlotte) guests on two songs is not reassuring, and the two song samples I've heard are kind of blah.
"Apollo (Live on Your TV)" has a few catchy hooks, but the verses seem pretty bland.
"Asleep or Awake" just sounds kind of...flat and unmotivated.
In all...I'm not mad that APB is turning to a more indie/alt-rock/guitar-driven sound. I just need a bit more convincing that they are doing it well.

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