Tuesday, August 3, 2010

I had a glorious day today. Ladyface and her brother+his friend and I all went up to the cottage her grandparents rented on a lake.
It was a beautiful day. The kind of day that was meant to be spent at the lake. We sped around in the boat for a little while, pausing to take a swim, and polish off a Summer Shandy. Now, I hear a lot of trash talking about Summer Shandy, but sitting in the 90 degree weather in the middle of lake, flush and tired from swimming...nothing takes you to that place of perfect contentment like a Summer Shandy.
Went tubing. Ladyfriend is a maniac behind the wheel and managed to knock me off twice.
Went on the Sea-do. I got to pilot it for a bit...and man it was amazing! Nothing like the summer time air, the splash of the water, the wind whipping through your hair, and having an amazing girlfriend clinging on to you.
Ended the day with pizza and breadsticks.
A perfect afternoon.

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