Tuesday, January 26, 2010

The Rest of My Life

Music videos, in my opinion, are an underrated art form. To tell a story in 4 minutes is insane difficult. But here is quite possibly my favorite music video.


The song itself has a lot of meaning holds a lot of meaning for me. The line "Said goodbye to my best friend..." always always takes me back to the summer before I came to college. She and I were at a party, and we snuck away and took a walk in the warm summer night. Down by the train tracks. Taking pictures. Just talking and spilling our all. Opening up about our fears.

College has changed me radically. The person I am scarcely recognizes who I was back in High School. And I think that is good. In High School, I neglected friends for Busy Work, and was afraid of every thing. I'm not saying that I'm the best person I can(should?) be right now, but I have grown. I think for myself. I try to keep my friends first. I live my life.

But there are still some things that will kill me inside for the rest of my life.

And we all have those moments in our past. Those times where we think, "If only I had done...." "If only this had happened...". And it tears you up. But I'm trying hard to get passed those things. To live for now. Because that is all we really have. Right now, and the people around us.

"And every second that goes by, I'm screaming out for second tries."

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