Saturday, December 12, 2009

Note to self

...singing in Tom Waits' voice to Beatles' songs on "BeatleRockband" will net you a 58% on Easy. Also, it doesn't help if you make up words and maybe shout out like Lil John does.

Also, I was on fire last night with zazzy comments. I just wish I could remember them this morning.

Marie Catribs is the best breakfast place, hands down.

I have some very lovely friends.

Getting shitty drunk sucks. Drinking to the point of a nice buzz or an in-control level of being drunk is pretty sweet.

Gin, splash of Absinthe, tonic water, splash of lime, on ice...that's a tasty drink. The Absinthe really zazzes it up.

Christmas shopping is a load of bollocks.

Having nicknames for people is awesome.

French people talk like ducks who have a cold.

I love you all.

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