Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Politics(bleh) - thoughts on Gay Marriage

I used to be super political whilst growing up. And yes, a lot of my views were probably just the views of my parents/school/upbringing, but now I am becoming increasingly cynical/apathetic towards the political scene (another post in and of itself).

But all I can say is...I think it is totally crazy that people stand against gay marriage in this day and age. I mean, I can understand people opposing gay marriage from a religious standpoint...but from a legal/constitutional standpoint, there just seems to be about zero ground on which a person can base an argument.

I guess this entire post kind of stems from the song "Non-Dairy Creamer" by Third Eye Blind

"And two gay guys got married
And brought the family to its knees
How did they blow us to smithereens
Just a couple of queens
How did they do it
I'll tell you now
They brought marriage to an end
And I've found myself some culprits

It's two young gay... REPUBLICANS!!!"

I mean...as if a couple of gay people (who make up less than 5% of the US population) could bring marriage to its knees. That is a major point I hear when people oppose gay marriage - it will destroy the sanctity of marriage. I'm sorry, but the sanctity of marriage has been dead and gone for a long time now. Last I saw (years ago), 50% of marriages end in divorce. A more recent statistic claims that fewer people are getting married, just living together - as such, it is impossible to track how long those relationships last.

I mean, I guess, my point here is - this is America in the 21st century...and we are still freaking about about people's sexual orientation? I mean, people are basically having heart attacks because of the fact that guys like other guys?! Maybe I'm just way too accepting, or maybe it is just because I've known a lot of gay people over the years....but I mean, at the end of the day - is this the issue about which people want to dig trenches? Shouldn't we be trying to focus on more pressing issues like all the poor/starving/homeless/dying/unloved people amongst us?

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