Sunday, April 26, 2009

I dream of the Apocalyspe

Last night, I went to bed early with the window open so that I could listen to the storm.
And I dreamed about the end of the world.

It began Heroes themed. A vast number of people were acquiring powers and using them for their own benefit. Much as the government tried, there was nothing that they could do. Angela Petrelli, a few others, and myself tried to reform Primatech in order to maintain control of the 'specials', but the government sent a team to capture us. After we were captured, the government started using robots in order to capture the 'specials'.
Fast forward several years - some kind of nuclear holocaust has destroyed most of the planet. I was fortunate enough to be at one of the few remaining bastions - a massive citadel/compound where we had stockpiled food, clothes, weapons, etc... We knew a vast robot army was in Europe and that it was only a matter of time before they crossed the Atlantic and found us (we were located somewhere in the Great Plains). I spent a lot of my time in our massive underground warehouse checking inventory, parceling out supplies to people, and so on. However, I knew that the High Command was trying to find the code in order to activate the few remaining nuclear defenses (some located in space, some not) in order to target the robot army and destroy them.
However, the robot army reached the other surviving city, located somewhere in Scandinavia, and because the defensive turrets were not online, they easily wiped out that city. We knew we had just a few short weeks before they arrived, and without hope of finding the nuclear launch codes, the High Command gave the order to evacuate the base in hopes of fleeing into the Wastelands and hiding from the robot army. We were preparing when our scanners picked up a large army heading for our base. We believed that it was the robots. Somehow, it only took them days, not weeks, to reach us. We armed ourselves and steeled ourselves for battle.
It didn't take them long to breach our perimeter, and I and many others locked ourselves in Knollcrest and prepared to sell our lives and dearly as possible. We could hear the enemy pounding on the reinforced walls and doors, but when we looked through the viewport, we realized that we weren't fighting robots but a mutant horde. The mutants were animal looking, mostly pig/warthog-like with sharpened quills covering their body. They broke through the walls and we opened fired. They were all around us and we kept falling back more and more until there was a group of about 50 of us fighting back to back, covering four different directions.
Suddenly, it dawned on us that the mutants were no longer trying to kill us. From the openings in walked human mutants who apparently had control over the pig-like mutants (who had also originally been human but had been subjected to more intense mutation).
The human-mutants told us that they too were fleeing from the robots and that we should join together. It was at this point that the leader of the mutants touched my head and told me that he knew all about my drug addiction and my desire to go through life feeling nothing, and I realized that the mutants were actually the 'specials'. Due to their already mutated genetics (manifested by their powers), all the radiation had affected them but not us 'normal' humans.
We joined up, and began the long trek into the Wastelands. We had been traveling for some days when we got word that the robot army was a day behind us. We prepared to make our stand. And as the sun rose the next day, we humans and mutants stood and looked across the valley to see the robot army arrayed against us.
And then the thunder woke me up.

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