Sunday, October 12, 2008

Less Than Jake

So, Less Than Jake is one of those bands that I grew up listening to and that I still listen to. I got into them a year or two after the release of "Hello Rockview". I thought "Borders and Boundaries" was a fantastic album, and I listened to it nonstop 8th grade year. I saw them twice during my highschool years, but I stopped buying their albums, thinking that they had gone downhill with the release of "Anthem".
Ironically, I now listen to "Anthem" more than any of their other albums. While I haven't listened to "In With the Out Crowd" or "GNV FL", I am pretty confident that "Anthem" is LTJ's pinnacle achievement. It is less ska than their previous work, but that works for LTJ who has always been more punk than ska. The songwriting is more heartfelt and poignant on this album than on previous ones (although "Borders and Boundaries" seemed to be a deeply personal album as well), and there is no one song that drags the album down.

Overall, LTJ is one of those bands that I will probably always listen to and always find pretty fantastic.

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