Sunday, October 12, 2008

Club experiences

So...I apparently give off a totally gay vibe, at least to people in the club. The 2nd time we went out to ZP (the big open air club in Budapest) at the beginning of the semester, this Belgian guy who I was carrying on a totally normal conversation with, interrupted our conversation to ask, "Excuse, I must know...are you gay?" I thought that he was making fun of me, but it turns out that he was gay and wanted to go to a gay club with me. He was pretty damn good looking.
And last night, I was at Szocial (the local hotspot full of teens and twentysomethings), and I was dancing with my 5 lady friends, when this Eurotrash guy taps me on the shoulder, whispers something in Hungarian into my ear, and when I said, "Nem ertem Magyarul", he asked, "Are you homo? Are you gay?" I told him "no"...and he looked disappointed and walked away. He was probably about 6' 2", muscular, shoulder length black curly hair, strong facial structure, and a slightly Spanish or perhaps Italian look about him. Pretty good looking.
So, while I am not scoring all kinds of sweet ass over here, gay guys notice me! And good looking gay guys at that.

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