Saturday, October 18, 2008


Well, Rachelle and I took a 3 night, 2 day trip to Bosnia this past week. The train ride was 12 hours long and they checked our passports 5 times and our tickets 5 times as well. The guy we stayed with was a 40 year old Turkish guy who was far too friendly with females, loved to dominate the conversation (ie - he talked at us, not with us), and he had some veiled anti-Israeli sentiments. But he is also a police commissioner, and the 1st day we were there, he participated in a raid to break up a weapons smuggling operation and they netted - 15 suspects, 75 hand grenades, 1 LAW, 2 sniper rifles, 5 AKs, and 3 pistols. Sounded fantastic.

Sarajevo itself was a great city. Everything was super cheap, the people were friendly, and there was a vibrant mix of cultures. I got some good gifts for a few people, and I also spoke German with an old Bosnian man. It was super good.
If you ever have the chance, get to Sarajevo.

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