Friday, September 12, 2008

How to spot a shitty documentary

Today, I will spot the sure-fire way to tell whether or not a documentary is shitty or not. Now, when I use the term "shitty", I mean "a completely biased, ignorant, and conspiracy-theory laden".
The best way to spot a 'shitty' documentary is this - How fast is the narrator talking? If he is talking "a mile a minute", then you've got yourself a shitty documentary.
Now, I believe the reason behind their fast talking is they want to hit you as fast as they can with their "facts", fast enough that you will take them in, but too fast for you to really stop and think about them.
Another good way to spot a shitty documentary is by seeing how fast images/scenes appear/change. If you experience a sensory overload because there are always images flashing across the screen, then you have a shitty documentary.
Finally, if the narrator sounds like he in in college or just graduated, you always always always have a shitty documentary.

Examples of shitty documentaries include - "Loose Change", "Blackwater: The Shadow War", "Fahrenhype-9/11"

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