Friday, September 17, 2010

Good news everyone!

Twitter stalking has lead me to believe that Matthew Leone, the bass player of Madina Lake, is now healthy/out of the hospital.
For those of you unaware with what this means, it is great news. Back in July (I believe), Leone stepped in to stop a man who was beating his wife. He tried to diffuse the situation and make sure everyone was calmed down, but when he was checking on the woman, the man came up behind him and attack him, splitting open his skull and putting him in the ICU.
Being from a band, Leone did not have insurance and so had to pay his medical expenses out of pocket. Thankfully, fans, bands Madina Lake had previously toured with, and other people touched by the story poured in their money to help him.
And that generosity has apparently paid off.

There is good in the world.

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