Sunday, July 18, 2010


It's funny how much (seemingly) minor decisions affect the future (or is it the present?)
Example, a certain Ladyfriend and I are dating for some of the most ridiculous reasons.

In January, there was a costume party at her house. This is the only time I have ever really dressed up for a costume party, and I threw myself into my character with reckless abandon. My costume, you ask - the guy from "My New Haircut" vid (youtube it). Tight, collared shirt; fake tan; sunglasses; fifth of Jaeger...I'm good to go.
Get to party full of Jaeger and (more importantly) a false bravado stemming from the character I am playing.
See cute girl who I have always crushed on. Think, "Fuuuuck...I ain't got shit to lose and nothing to prove" so strike up conversation. 20 minutes later, it is hazy, but we end up kissing..

A few weeks later, realize that Layfriend is someone you want to get to know, not just have sweet makeouts with. Not sure if it was just a one night fling or what. Send facebook message with reckless abandon saying (paraphrased), "Hey, we madeout, but we should hangout because I like you."
Wake up next morning petrified because of your audacity. Fuckfuckfuck. Think about moving out of state, changing name.
Get reply, "I'd like that."

Awkward dates ensue. Spring Break occurs. Ladyfriend ends up 2 hours away from me. Late night text that says (paraphrase), "You are inland...I am at private condo with a beach, hottub, and pool - come swimming!" Ladyfriend relents, gets friends to come.

Ladyfriend and friends show up. Wine on the veranda. Games. Games. Wine. Late night walk to the beach. Walking back, Ladyfriend jumps in the one else jumps in, but I know I have to. Jump in fully clothed (and I could never break the surface of the water without jumping in). Late night talk. Wake up still a bit unsure of what relationship status is...go for handhold in front of her friends.
Boom, success. Most amazing Ladyfriend of all time acquired.

And while it may just sound that I am bragging about my Ladyfriend, I am doing more than that.

The point is, if any one of those steps/actions was removed, this relationship may not have happened - ergo, I would not be who/where I am right now. What if I had a different costume the fateful night? What if I never sent a facebook message asking to hangout? What if I didn't text her while on SpringBreak? What if I didn't jump in the pool?

Choices have the most unforeseeable consequences. But this experience taught me to be a little more reckless. Or, at the very least, open to the idea of break out of my shell and taking a risk.

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