Sunday, November 29, 2009

Tik Tok

"Ain't got a care in the world, but I got plenty of beer"

I love top40 music right about now. It is all about going out and getting crazy at a club and telling the DJ to turn it up.
And I love seeing my friends and family. Thanksgiving was a complete success. Great food, even better people. Life was lived, maybe a tad irresponsibly, but I always remembered what was truly important - the people I love and who love me. And really, at the end of my life, what am I going to remember - getting a good grade on a paper I don't care about or going out to a seedy dive bar with the people I love most in the world and having an amazing time?

But let me be clear on one thing - I'm not advocating living recklessly and irresponsibly forever. Then you risk becoming a total jackass who only cares about the Party and not the People at the party. You hurt yourself and those around you. But sometimes, you need to eat too much, smoke too much, drink too much, and just let loose.

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