Tuesday, February 17, 2009


This has been a mixed semester so far. A lot of school work. Mostly reading, constant writing for Schmidt's 'Creative Writing' class, which makes me remember just how much I hate writing/people reading my writing/having to reread my writing to edit it. But Weightlifting is good. It is always nice to work out, feel the burn, and then take a nap. I always feel sedated after working out. And in all honesty, that is healthier than sedating myself with alcohol....but a man must have his vices, right?
Socially, the semester has been mixed as well. I feel like I don't have time for a lot of my friends. Still, I get to hangout with my roommates (which is always a fantastic time), and I meet people through them (which is good). So it is not all bad.

But right now, I am listening to Anathema, drinking, and being angsty. "Alternative 4" (the entire album) has so many lyrics that depict my emotions/mental state.

I'm looking over my shoulder cause millions
will whisper I'm killing myself again
Maybe I'm dying faster but nothing ever last I
remember a night from my past when I was
stabbed in the back and its all coming back
And I feel that pain again

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