Monday, January 26, 2009


So far, Interim has been a total blast. I am in love with my roommates. I am totally gay for Al, want to have my way with Kevin, and spoon with Mike on a weekly basis.
In all seriousness, Interim has been good. Not taking a class has its pros and cons. Mostly, I play video games while waiting for my roommates to get back from class. I also go to the gym every week day. Monday/Wednesday are weight training, Tuesday/Thursday are more cardio, and Friday is a kind of relaxed/whatever day. I have only been going for a week or two so the results aren't too noticeable yet, but they will be. My goal is to be a toned hottie by the end of Spring semester.
Also, my reputation precedes me. Apparently, word of my insane alcohol tolerance has gotten around. In fact, for Shaun's birthday, I was capable of doing 32 shots and still remaining coherent for most of the time (it got a bit foggy towards the end). I'm not sure if my high tolerance is a good thing or not. But one thing is for sure, I'm not doing 32 shots again at a party.

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