Tuesday, July 14, 2009


I turn 21 in less than 2 days. I'm going to spend it in Madison with BrotherJohn and his friends. Shenanigans will no doubt ensue. Here is a txt conversation between my brother and me.
J: We're going out thursday for margaritas and then apparently dancing our asses off
P: Sounds sweet! I'll try not to be a total trainwreck
J: Haha wrong! You will be annihilated!

I'm not sure if his last txt was an exhortation or simply a statement of fact. Either way, it'll be interesting to see where the night takes me.

I was thinking about writing a post about how much people can change over 3 years and shit like that....but nope. Not happening.

And so it begins.
It's the time of the season when
you're a man around town.
Imagination taking you where no
one else can.
Floating on sins that surround.
Count down to a dark town and so
it begins,

"Countdown" - Jupiter One

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