Sunday, November 7, 2010


I watched the first episode of the new AMC series "The Walking Dead" last night...and I have a couple thoughts

1.) Andrew Lincoln nailed not only the Southern accent (he is from England), but also the "cop swagger"
2.) Good use of him being shot/in the hospital during the zombie apocalypse - movies(tv shows) do this so that they don't have to waste a shit load of time explain/showing the zombie takeover.
3.) The nice use of realism with guns was heartening. Firing a Colt Python inside a tank would really lead to temporary deafness/disorientation.
4.) I like my girlfriend even more because she (at least theoretically) knows how to survive a Zombpocalypse. She voiced all three of these points during the course of the episode, all three of which are key to surviving.
a.) only 1 picture of your family/loved one/past.
b.) be willing to kill those closest to you that have turned
c.) MELEE WEAPONS!!! Don't waste ammo on targets that can be killed with a melee weapon)
~addendum - my biggest concern is that she has a fear of zombies (even slow ones), which I feel could incapacitate her in the event of a real outbreak.
5.) You never, never, NEVER go into a major population center. Even if the radio has said (in the past, I might add, before the radio went blank) that it is a "safe zone". You stick to back roads, rural communities, off the beaten track.
6.) Transport goes like this
a.) Cars/trucks - 'C', they can accommodate a lot of supplies and are sealed. Downside, they are also loud, require fuel, and cannot navigate blocked roads
b.) Horses - 'B', they can accommodate a rider but force a rider to travel light (a good thing), food source (ie - grass, etc...) is readily available, maneuverable. Downside, you better know how to ride one/have a saddle, can panic, can be loud
c.) Bicycle/any kind of "cycle" - 'A', they are faster than zombies, maneuverable through rubble, silent, easily repairable, readily available for replacement, require no food/fuel. Downside, can move only as fast as you can, not an enclosed space, lack of storage space (unless you find a four-wheeled bike)

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