Thursday, May 27, 2010

I had a series of dreams

I dreamed that the zombie apocalypse happened. We were on the highway and our car broke down, so I had to create a diversion while we stole another car and drove through a bunch of farmland to the one safezone left that was across this super long bridge. We were safe from the zombies there, but we were under smallarms fire from the other side of the river, but luckily, a new band of people seeking shelter took the gunmen from behind and slaughtered them. Turns out that they were from another safezone, but it also turns out that they were all children. The leader of this new band of refugees was then punished because even after the kids had surrendered he killed a bunch of them. However, before one child died, he informed the leader of this group that the pope was calling for a holy crusade to rid the world of zombies. This leader then raised an army of knights and was preparing to ride out...but it turns out that he wasn't even going. He had other plans than leading this most holy crusade.

I dreamed that Shiny Toy Guns was playing a concert in my living room. There were maybe 20 of us there...but it was awesome. Afterwards, I went from the concert to a bottle filling place where my friend Ben was working. We had to fill bottles up with beer, but the machine was all wonky and filled them mostly with foam. We prayed that we didn't get any of the underfilled ones when we bought beer next.

I dreamed that I was participating in a tournament. It was a gladiator-esque event but for the future. It was held in a 6 story tall building that had a big courtyard in the middle filled with all sorts of metal piping and such. We were released and had to find weapons in order to defeat everyone else. Last man standing won. It is important to know that the guns were not lethal but only stunned opponents. Anyway, this game involved a lot of me running around, spastic gunfights, jumping 6 stories from the roof into the courtyard while being shot at, and so on. By the end, I was the 2nd to last man left. Only the undefeated champion remained, who had not been seen all game. When he did emerge, he was not happy. We was at least 3 times my size, and he was pissed that I had done so well. So, he showed how he had remained the undefeated champion - he ignored the rules. I was standing in the courtyard, and he threw down a massive gas container that burst into flames. Half the building became an inferno. I escaped into the lobby where everyone was trying to flee out the front doors, when the Champion found me. I then determined in my mind to defeat him while following the rules - No physical contact - so that no one could accuse me of cheating or not earning the title. Besides, I knew that punching/kicking him would do nothing. So, while physical contact was illegal, apparently taking a metal bandstand and hitting him in the face was not...and that is how I won a 100 man battle royale.

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