Friday, September 26, 2008



Your ignorant bullshit is scarely worth talking about.
As someone of German ancestry, your denial of the Holocaust is not just offensive to the Jews/Israelis but to every single German who has struggled to deal with this issue. The Germans, Austrians, Polish, etc... (wherever an extermination camp was located) have been trying to deal with this issue for a long time, trying to overcome the past, trying to atone for the sins of their fathers and grandfathers.
Why this bullshit action on the part of Iran has not been universally condemned, I just don't know.
And while I am all for freedom of speech, I think it is the right (if not duty) of other countries to denounce this farce.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

The Painting of Young Lovers is Complete

Darling when? When did we fall? When was it over?
I suppose that is the price of falling in love

Tuesday, September 23, 2008


Well, I just spent all weekend in Transylvania, and here are some of my thoughts.
1.) Transylvania is perhaps the only place on earth which will fulfill all the stereotypes about it. Old babooshkas with their head coverings, flocks of sheep/cows on the roads, gypsies, grey rainy weather...this place has it all!
2.) Even though the place is dirt poor, the people are still super friendly.
3.) Epic scenery
4.) They srsly do love their Palinka shots there...and that is a good thing.

Also, we had a dance party to Journey when we were at the border crossing. It was fabulous.

Sunday, September 14, 2008


Now, as you may or maynot know, I am a big fan of making out. Making out is something that I can usually get behind and endorse.
Over here in Hungary, however, it seems as though everywhere you go, there are people making out in public. And when I say everyone, I mean, literally everybody under the age of 55 is making out. On the tram, at the tram stop, at the local diner, on the bridge, in the store, wherever and whenever. People here love to suck face.
But it is more than just that. I have noticed that the ass grab while making out is a common manuever around here as well. Now, I've got no problem with the ass grab/makeout combo, but c'mon people, it is getting a bit ridic.
Everywhere I go, all I see is people making out, and it stirs fantastic memories for me, but it also evokes a feeling of sadness and emptiness within me.
So, this is a message to the citizens of Hungary '
"Please cut back on your PDA because it is making me a bit sad. Or else, let me join in on all the fun. And then, we can all makeout together!"

Friday, September 12, 2008

How to spot a shitty documentary

Today, I will spot the sure-fire way to tell whether or not a documentary is shitty or not. Now, when I use the term "shitty", I mean "a completely biased, ignorant, and conspiracy-theory laden".
The best way to spot a 'shitty' documentary is this - How fast is the narrator talking? If he is talking "a mile a minute", then you've got yourself a shitty documentary.
Now, I believe the reason behind their fast talking is they want to hit you as fast as they can with their "facts", fast enough that you will take them in, but too fast for you to really stop and think about them.
Another good way to spot a shitty documentary is by seeing how fast images/scenes appear/change. If you experience a sensory overload because there are always images flashing across the screen, then you have a shitty documentary.
Finally, if the narrator sounds like he in in college or just graduated, you always always always have a shitty documentary.

Examples of shitty documentaries include - "Loose Change", "Blackwater: The Shadow War", "Fahrenhype-9/11"

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Sept. 11, 2008

It is hard for me to full comprehend that 7 years have gone by since Sept. 11. I was in 8th grade at the time. I was sitting in English class when we first got word that "terrorists have attacked the United States". That was the first time I'd ever really been confronted with an event like that. Growing up, we were always the ones kicking the shit out of every other nation who fucked around.
But things change.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Metal vs. Indie

Ahh, God I love the Scots (and anyone from the UK). A study was recently conducted linking personality types to types of music.
Here is what it says about Indie - Low self-esteem, creative, not hard working, not gentle.

Metal was closely linked with Classical music.

So you can have your damn stereotypes about metalheads being all depressed and angry and such, but Bach and Beethoven would be chilling with metalheads today (if they were alive), not indiescum...I mean indiekids. (click for the full story)

Thursday, September 4, 2008

I am a god

Okay, that title might be a bit too much, but I found out today that my reputation precedes me! Apparently, several people on the Hungary semester were familiar with my Chimes articles and were a bit...apprehensive about meeting me in person, thinking that I would tear there musical opinions apart and be a real jerk because they like "indie" music.
But, in the words on one of them, "You are actually just a crazy motherfucker, and I like that."

But let me go on the record, I still think 90% of "indie" music is shit. Pitchfork Media is a joke. And "indie" kids in general make me smirk.

And when I use the term "indie" I mean it more in the "Canadian" sense of the word (think bands like - Metric, Stars, Arcade Fire, etc...) not in the "European" term of the word (ie - Kent, Ljungblut, Amber Smith, etc...).

So, while I am not saying that all the bands I love are especially talented or original (much as Kill Hannah is my favourite band...they really are kind of generic), I do think that I listen to music that takes a lot of talent and originality than "indie" bands (who seem to love utilizing shitty sounding guitars, off-key vocals, and inane lyrics).

Examples of talented music
- Opeth (a little tired on ideas as of their most recent releases, but lightyears ahead of most any band)
- Cult of Luna (anyone who tries to tag them as a "Neurosis" rip-off (*coughPitchforkmediacough*) are sorely mistaken)
- Porcupine Tree (again, less original than before, but phenomenally produced/consistent)
- Emile Autumn (far beyond her "gothic" label, this violin virtuoso's work is fabulous)
- Moonsorrow (it is as if someone bottled the word "epic" and then made this band)

Wednesday, September 3, 2008


So, I am so far a fan of Hungary, but I really want my classes to start! I am hoping to rack up about 20 credits this semester (hopefully more). Of course, that means that I won't be able to travel as much, but travelling costs money, and I really don't like to spend money. Unless it is on Death/Black metal concerts. Like tonight. I am slapping down roughly the equivelant of 30$ to go see some quality Death, Black, and blackened death metal bands - Nile, Grave, and Belphegor.

Other than that, the cd "The Galilean Satellites" by the band Rosetta really speaks to me. It is about an astronaut who becomes dissatisfied with Earth, so he leaves for Europa (one of the 4 Galilean moons of Jupiter) in order to find peace. But once he gets there, he realizes that everything meaningful to him was back on earth.

So, take that as you will.

Finally, I don't see why so many people are freaking out about Sarah Palin. Okay, so her daughter likes to drink, dropped out of highschool, and is pregnent. So she herself may have made some bad choices in college and whatnot. Chill out. If anything, this all makes me want to vote for her more because she seems to be a lot more relatable than Obama/Biden. Obama is some messianic visionary with a picture perfect family and Biden is a tool. I can relate to neither of those.

I may give up my only belief,
this borrowed time is over now,
pay the price,
forgotten years and pieces of Eden.

I miss them all, the other halves of me

"Itinérant" - Rosetta